The Troubling Fact: Senior Citizens in Developing Nations Have Little to No Access to Heart Medication

In the developed world, access to medical treatments is taken for granted. However, according to a study published in the medical journal PLOS One, senior citizens in developing countries are not so fortunate. The study found that over 65% of seniors in developing nations have no access to heart medication.

This troubling statistic indicates that a great number of elderly in the third world are at risk of heart-related illnesses and premature death. The lack of access to heart medication is especially dire in the least developed countries.

According to the World Health Organization, countries such as Bangladesh, Haiti, and Malawi are the most affected, with over 85% of seniors not having access to the medication they need. The situation is not much better in middle-income countries, where the figure is still shockingly high – over 60%. The main reason for this lack of access is poverty.

Less developed countries have higher poverty rates, so seniors in these countries simply don’t have the resources to purchase medications. Moreover, some countries lack the infrastructure to provide these medications to their citizens. This means that even if seniors had the money to purchase the medications, they would not have access to them. In addition to poverty, there are other factors that contribute to the lack of access to heart medication. For example, many countries have poor healthcare systems, meaning that even if the medications were available, seniors would not be able to access them. Additionally, many of these countries lack the necessary medical personnel to provide the medications.

The lack of access to heart medication is a major problem in developing countries and it has far-reaching implications. The medications are essential for preventing heart-related illnesses and are key to living a healthy and long life. Without access to these medications, seniors in the third world are at a much higher risk of strokes, heart attacks, and other serious medical conditions. The lack of access to heart medication is a global problem and one that needs to be addressed.

Governments of these countries should take steps to ensure that their elderly citizens have access to the medications they need. Additionally, international organizations should provide aid to help develop these countries’ healthcare systems, so that seniors can access the medications they need. Only by taking these actions can we ensure that seniors in the third world have access to the heart medication they need.