“The Sound of Memory: How Playing a Musical Instrument Can Help Preserve Cognition in Old Age”

We’ve all heard the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but could playing the piano or other musical instruments be the key to keeping our minds sharp in old age? As it turns out, there is mounting evidence to suggest that the answer is yes.

Take the case of the legendary pianist and composer Ludwig van Beethoven. Despite experiencing crippling hearing loss in his early thirties, Beethoven continued to compose some of the most beloved works of classical music in history well into his old age. In his final years, confined to his bed due to illness, he reportedly spent countless hours composing and improvising on a keyboard. Was it just the sheer force of his will that kept his mind sharp, or did playing music have a tangible effect on his cognitive function?

Today, researchers are beginning to unravel the mysteries of how playing music can help our brains stay youthful and healthy. Studies have shown that engaging in musical activity can improve brain function in older adults, particularly in areas related to memory, attention, and cognitive flexibility. Moreover, playing musical instruments has been linked with a lower risk of developing dementia and other cognitive disorders later in life.

But why is this the case? According to neuroscientists, playing music engages multiple areas of the brain simultaneously, leading to changes in brain structure and function. Specifically, it can increase the thickness of certain regions of the brain that are critical for cognitive processing, such as the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus.

All of this points to the potential power of music as a tool for keeping our minds healthy and agile as we age. Of course, playing music is not a cure-all for dementia or cognitive decline, but it can be a valuable piece of the puzzle for those seeking to maintain their cognitive health into old age.

As for me, I’ve always enjoyed playing the piano as a hobby, and I can say from personal experience that it has had a positive impact on my own cognitive function. It’s a soothing activity that helps clear my mind and helps me feel more focused and alert, even on days when I’m feeling particularly forgetful.

In the end, whether you’re a seasoned musician or a complete novice, there’s no harm in picking up an instrument and giving it a try. Who knows? You might just discover a whole new way to keep your mind sharp and healthy for years to come.


  • Altenmüller, E., & Schlaug, G. (2013). Music, brain, and health: Exploring biological foundations of music’s health effects. In Music, Health, and Wellbeing (pp. 71-88). Oxford University Press.
  • Bugos, J. A., Perlstein, W. M., McCrae, C. S., Brophy, T. S., & Bedenbaugh, P. H. (2007). Individualized piano instruction enhances executive functioning and working memory in older adults. Aging &#