We introduced the 21 Days, 21 Stories series to start this year on a positive note. We shared Stories from around the world and learned about a variety of projects that all share the common belief that innovation and fresh thinking can go a long way towards improving the lives of older adults.
In an effort to further highlight the innovative work in our communities, we offered a cash prize to the story who ended the series with the most social media shares. We are thrilled to announce that our story from Day 6 (Lima – Moments of Joy) won the contest with over 150 combined social media shares. $500 was donated to this initiative and $500 given to our Lima Chapter Ambassador, Maria Isabel Leon Fiestas.
We want to give a special thanks to the innovators and Chapter Ambassadors who came together to highlight the positive initiatives that are taking place around the world. As we look forward to an uncertain 2021, we hope that these stories have provided a glimpse into a better future. If there is anything that the pandemic has taught us, it’s that we’re all in this together.
To view or download the full collection of Stories, visit www.aging2.com/21stories. We invite you to share these powerful initiatives with your friends and colleagues and build on the ideas within your local community.
About the Author
Rebecca Hughes is the Executive Director at Aging2.0. Her responsibilities span across multiple focus areas, including the oversight our chapter community, corporate partners and operations. Over the course of the five years she has been part of the Aging2.0 team, Rebecca has developed a passion and appreciation for aging innovation. She looks forward to continued work within the space. Outside of work she enjoys traveling with her husband and children, cooking, and exploring the Utah outdoors.